Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Puzzling Update

Ok second post, just a quick update today (not that much has happened in the enormous time span between Monday and Wednesday). Anyway, the highlight of my day on Tuesday was making it to ultimate practice for the first time in a week or so. I love playing, its good exercise and it’s a great way to unleash a little after six hours of class. Right after practice we went to commons for a nice dirty, sweaty dinner, and I’d half to say that the highlight of that meal was definitely butterfingers mixed with soft serve ice cream, delicious. I’m always trying to come up with new ways to utilize the soft serve machines, past efforts have included root beer floats in little Commons cups, various baked goods with ice cream on top, ice cream in cup, ice cream in a bowl, ice cream in cone, and ice cream mixed with the other flavor of ice cream.

Moving on, I had a lot of homework last night so I spent the hours of 8-11:30pm studying moist terrestrial biomes and reading Anaxagoras. Then I managed to get a quick game of ping pong in back at 810,( the dorm I live in, it use to be a frat and now it’s just named after its address, 810 college st.), with Luke. I lost badly due to his excellent technique and propensity to spin. I had planned to go to bed immediately after that and catch up on some much needed sleep, but instead Joe decided to take his online geology quiz that he had put off until 12:30am. It turns out the Philippines have greater potential for a deep focus earthquake than either Kenya or Hawaii.

I set my cell phone alarm for 7:45am (my awesome retro twin bell wind up just broke, total bummer) Wednesday morning (today) so I could get up and run before my 10:15 class as usual, but it just didn’t happen. I couldn’t quite make it out of bed so I rolled over and went back to sleep. At 9:00am Joe’s ipod alarm went off and we made it through one and a half listens of “The Funeral” by Band of Horses before I got up to turn it off. I spent most of today in class and racing to get homework done, my folks are coming up for parents weekend this Friday and I don’t want to get behind. Also, those big midterm assignments are starting to drop like bombs so I’ve been trying to prepare my proverbial bunker as it were (I’m sorry that was terrible, but it’s alliteration at least). We did have great lunch conversation today about black holes and quantum mechanics (I know that sounds pretentious and stereotypically collegiate, but those kinds of conversations do come up). It all started with my friend Eli posing the following analogous riddle: Möbius is to strip as bottle is to what? Anyway, I feel like we all have those days when we wish we had gone into theoretical physics, and today was one of mine. If you’re curious about the riddle, wikipedia “Möbius”. We’ll that’s about all for now, I’m going try to get some more photos and what not going from now on so hopefully that’ll spice this up a bit. Oh yeah one more thing, we’ve been studying Zeno’s paradoxes in Ancient Philosophy and some of them are pretty good, here’s one for you to consider, it called Dichotomy (keep in mind there is no “right” answer or interpretation) :

If you are at point A and you want to reach point B, presumably you will have to first walk half way to B, but in order to get halfway to B you must first walk one quarter of the way to B, and so on and so forth to infinite regress. So how can we ever get anywhere?

This cartoon humorously characterizes the dilemma.


jesus20000000 said...

This is an entertaining and informative post.

I am impressed.

Gabriel said...

Hi there !, Actually there is a solution to the paradox. It was found by the 17th century mathematicians who were dealing with addition of infinite terms.