Monday, September 29, 2008

On the Weekend and other discourse

Alright, it's been a little while, but I'm back baby! I think my last post was Monday of the previous week, and a lot has happened since then, so I'll try to lay it out. Tuesday, I don't really remember what I did, but I'm sure it involved studying a lot and being sick, oh yeah and the economy collapsed somewhere in there. I'm considering requesting a bail-out my own personal finances at some point in the near future, so watch for that in the news :) Oh, and I also watched the movie "Snakes on a Plane" for the first time on Tuesday night with some friends, and I've got to say, it was pretty hilarious if only because it captured the overproduction, mediocrity, and general absurdity of the film industry oh so well, also everyone loves Samuel L. Jackson (Shown upper right with a snake, on a plane). I've also heard that there is actually a sequel cleverly entitled "Snakes on a Train" but I've yet to verify this claim.

Ok, moving on, Wednesday night I attended a rush event at local fraternity Phi Kappa Phsi, (I think that's right). It was a formal cheese tasting, (Yes this is Wisconsin), and needless to say I ate sooo much cheese. I think I'm safe in saying a good time was had by all. And no, I'm not joining a frat, but that doesn't stop me from living the good life (That's me in the red and blue tie for those of you who remain unsure of my identity).

Anyway, I'm pretty sure nothing happened Thursday, although the weather did start to get nice again about then, and that's a pretty major event for me. Wisconsin weather can be beautiful, and it is often made more so by the contrast between the good weeks and the awful ones- Boring...sorry about that digression. Friday was great, I had gotten so much homework done on Thursday that I actually had a little time to kick back, oh and for those of you who have been on the edge of your seats, I pulled an A- on my Ancient Philosophy exam. Sadly, my academic buddy Peter managed to get an A causing my A- to appear inadequate and impotent (just kidding Peter, I'm happy for you, but seriously...). Friday morning we went on a botany field trip to Newark Road Prairie, a restored ecosystem owned by the college. It was great to be outside and all, although I was entirely covered in some kind two pronged burr, turns out its primary mode of dispersal attaching to animals as they walk by, oops. Later that afternoon, Joe, Luke, our friend Dan who is known for his smooth radio voice, and myself got out to the old Indian mounds on the academic side of campus and played some Boccie Ball, (that's right, I got someone to play with me), it was a beautiful day and there were lots of people out and about. That night we all got together to watch the debates which was both entertaining and horribly depressing. I also enjoyed shouting out various logical fallacies at different points during the debate and I can only look forward to seeing Palin and Biden go at it, a proverbial clash of the titans I'm sure. Over all a great Friday. Below are some pics going left to right of friends Parker and Misha, and myself at Newark Rd, the great Boccie Ball Game, and a group of us generic college kids watching the debates.

Saturday and Sunday were pretty good as well, although a lot of my friends including Joe, Luke, Dan and Parker were absent a large part of the time at a Frisbee tournament (hopefully I'll go next time). Sunday afternoon I spent cramming for the hefty Botany exam I took today, but I think it went ok. Sunday night, Joe, Luke, and I tried to watch a weird Jone of Arc movie called "the Messenger"that we naively rented from the library , but it was terrible and I would rank it among such classics as "the New World," "Beowulf" starring Christopher Lambert, and "Alien 3000." Also at this point I feel obligated to tell you that I took a picture of Joe and Luke playing Magic the Gathering today and only technical difficulties have prevented me from posting it. Well, I think thats about all for now, but from now on I'm going to end every post with a music recommendation, (because I try to incorporate alternative rock into everything), and hopefully a news related fun fact, here goes:

Jacy's Jams: "Drinking in LA" by Bran Van 3000

News flash with Jacy B.P. : Researchers at UCLA discovered a new prime number that is 13 digits long this week!