Monday, October 6, 2008


Oh boy, things are getting crazy up in here, I can't wait for fall break. Stuff really went south this last week; I've got a big Environmental Ethics Paper due Thursday and another one for Ancient Philosophy due Friday, not to mention the daily work from my other classes that just keeps on coming. As you might have begun to suspect at this point, I didn't do to much of interest to you, the reader, this last weekend. Friday, I played a little pick up Frisbee before dinner where I got in most of my socializing for the night, and then I worked on papers until around 11:00pm. After that, I decided just to have a chill night, so I watched 28 Days later with a few friends (whoops) and then headed to bed. Saturday, I spent roughly 9 hours in the library and finished my Ethics paper, (Which I feel is an excellent defense of Regan's stance on Animals rights), and then I went out with everyone for a bit to let off some steam. Sunday morning found me back in the ol' library reading Plato's Symposium in its entirety, and then moving on to proof read aforementioned paper. Later, I got together with classmates to work on our Botany experiment proposal, ever wonder if plants can grow upside down? That's not really what our experiment is but good luck with that. After that, Luke I enjoyed two and half hours of blood-drenched, flag impaling, Mel Gibson in "The Patriot"....classic. Oh yeah, I hope you all , (I'm assuming someone is reading this?, like maybe one or two of you? Common!), watched the VP debates last Thursday, but for those of you who didn't, you heard it here first: "John McCain is a maverick." I wonder if he's ever seen a Mig 28 do a 4g negative dive? (Top Gun is the greatest thing ever to come out of the 80's). Ok well thats enough of that, I don't thinks there much else to say at this point, no photos today due once again to technical difficulties, my bad.
Jacy's Jams: "Do the Panic" by Phantom Planet

New Flash with Jacy BP: I got nothin, no time for the news this week.

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