Monday, October 20, 2008

Break is over and all that

Well it's been a surprisingly uneventful couple of weeks. As you may have gathered from my last frantic post, I spent the last week before Fall break rushing around like crazy to get all my papers done, and you'll be happy to know that I did. However, you probably don't want to hear much about that, so I'll move on to the events (or lack there of) of my break. As usual, I returned home to scenic Michigan (it actually is really nice this time of year) to unwind and spend a little quality time with my folks. Instead of flying, this year I took the Amtrak home; it's way cheap, and although the ride is long, it's relaxing, you can sleep and listen to music without a small child kicking the back of your seat. Anyway, it was great to see my parents and my sister, Shandra, who is now a senior at Swarthmore College (she had a break too). However, most of my friends were either still at school, or too busy working to do much of anything, so for the most part I just hung out and relaxed, and took care of odds and ends. Highlights included eating real food, hanging out with my family, sleeping in, reading A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold for Botany, getting back on my 4 mile running regiment, and the purchase of plaid sidewalk surfers at American Eagle for $14.95.

The Saturday before I returned to Beloit (the 18th) , I did catch up with friends Nick and Andy who had recently moved into to their own apartment (which now smells terrible due to careless disregard for trash and dishes) and we watched many hours of blissful college football. What could be better? Well, winning is nice every once in a while. Although I still enjoyed the games, it seemed like nearly every team I pulled for ended up 28 points in the hole the end of the first quarter. I don't want to any names, but seriously, Michigan State/Missouri, C'mon! It turned out the best game I watched was the classic match up between Texas Tech and A&M, and despite the fact that I am nowhere near, or remotely affiliated with either of these institutions, I found myself really voting for A&M, needless to say they too lost.

I returned to Beloit yesterday via a combination of train and bus once again, although this time I was nearly stranded at Union Station, but that's a whole other thing. As soon as I got back to my room, I did some laundry, got in a long overdue shave, and then went out to grab some dinner at local eatery Dominico's. Then we watched a mildly disappointing World War II themed Family Guy and parted ways for the evening. At this point, I did a little Aristotle reading for Ancient Philosophy , and then I caught up with Joe, Luke, and our friend Alex in the Pearson's (our student union) TV lounge and watched the Sox loose to the Rays. Joe is a die hard Red Sox fan and naturally I mocked him incessantly for the rest of the night.

I think that about does it, although I will mention that I got back a Philosophy paper today and I was pretty pumped to receive that A this time. Ok, until next time.

Jacy's Jams: "Move to Newlyn" by the Subways

News Flash: Joe the Plumber does not in fact posses a plumbing license and he owes $12oo in back taxes, lol.

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