Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Sorry I've been gone awhile, I've just been trying to keep up with other things. It's starting to get chilly out now, and I can only hope we're not in for another winter like last year's. Don't get me wrong, I like the change of the seasons and all, but I'm an outdoor guy and I can only take the cold for so long. Last Sunday, I played in a pick IM Frisbee tournament on Aldrich Field (a large field outside one of the dorms) and it was unbelievably cold and windy tipping us off that it's time to move things into the field house from here on out. Nonetheless, it was still a lot of fun, and I'd do it again despite the weather conditions. Following that, my roommates and our friend Parker headed to the Slow Food dinner to warm up; Slow Food is a campus club that advocates eating food which has been produced locally and with minimum processing, and let me say the only thing easier to swallow than their ideology is their home cooking (delicious).

Anyway, I've just been working hard in my classes as usual, but in Creative writing we're moving into the fiction unit for the semester which has been a lot of fun so far. I mean, I like poetry fine, but for me, it just can't compare with a good story. Speaking of good stories, on Monday night I watched the movie, "The Fall" with Joe, Luke and friends, and it was amazing. I'm very critical of movies (although I like them a lot) , and it's been awhile since I've watched one that didn't make feel like tracking down the director and demanding that he or she return the last two hours of my life to me at no charge. However, "The Fall" was a welcome change, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys movies that are actually good.

Hmmm...what else is there to say?I haven't had time to exercise at all lately and I feel like I'm deteriorating, but on the upside I'm looking foreward to Halloween and this weekend quite a bit; Joe, Luke, and myself went down to Salvation Army yesterday to purchase medical scrubs, clipboards, and a stethoscope (Joe dropped $9.99 on it, sucker) for our male nurse costumes. We plan to run around campus spouting meaningless medical jargon, scribbling out bogus forms on our clipboards, and declaring people legally dead. We'll I think that's all she wrote (actually it's all I wrote) , I don't have any news for you today because I live in a box and am entirely absorbed in the day to day trivialities of my own life :) Welcome to college. (It's pretty fun).

Jacy's Jam: "C'mon C'mon" by the Von Bondies

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